Michael C. Thorpe American, b. 1993
The Fanatical Super Black, 2021
Fabric, quilting cotton and thread
26 x 19.5 in (66 x 49.5 cm)
This piece is a text piece that involves a method of poetry that is called found poetry. Found poetry is about finding poems in anything and everything. I took it...
This piece is a text piece that involves a method of poetry that is called found poetry. Found poetry is about finding poems in anything and everything. I took it a little farther and decided to stitch small poems spontaneously together to get create longer absurd poems. This idea came from my fear of becoming too predictable. I have found a new found love for creating artwork that is more spontaneous. I’ve always wanted to be a poet because they are the smoothest artists in my opinion and this piece is my attempt of becoming smooth.