Merging Tech and Art in the LaiSun Keane Gallery

Gallery profile by Cynthia Close at Art & Object Online

Malaysian-born gallerist LaiSun Keane arrived in Boston, Massachusetts in 2013 with her husband and two kids. They moved to New England from Sydney, Australia where Keane had studied art history and theory. Prior to that, she had made a successful career in the tech sector working for Unisys, a global information technology company, and software developer Novell. As one can likely see, her metamorphosis as a gallerist was not an easy, overnight thing. 


Being a data-driven realist, Keane set out to explore the greater Boston art scene through volunteering. “I immediately immersed myself in the art world here in Boston— just to see what was going on.” The family had settled in Lexington, an upscale residential Boston suburb. “I tried to make myself useful and offered to work for free for a gallery in Concord. I used my tech experience to help modernize them.”


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June 18, 2024
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