Boston Globe Column "Working Artist" features Baylee Schmitt

by Cate McQuaid

We are proud to share the following article written by Cate McQuaid of Boston Globe for the column "Working Artist" dated January 13, 2025. The article is out in print on January 19, 2025. 


Baylee Schmitt's crocheted installation at LaiSun Keane, “We settle into corners with the dust and mites,” recreates the bedroom she shared with her fraternal twin sister, Allie, until they were in eighth grade. Crocheted beds hang from the ceiling; a crocheted television has “America’s Next Top Model” in needlework on the screen.


“This is a way for me to figure out how I came to be the way I am, especially in relation with my sister,” Schmitt told the Globe as she installed her show. “We’re a unit. We arrived in the world at the same time. Theoretically, we were parented the same way, but we’re so distinct from each other that then those questions turn inward and it’s like, ‘Why am I the way that I am?’ This is the way that I’ve come to ask those questions.”


Read the Article HERE

January 13, 2025
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