Boston Art Review

Mark Your Calendars: Eight Shows to Check Out in Greater Boston This Spring

At a time of year when it’s possible to live through all four seasons in the course of a week, a new show at LaiSun Keane offers some relief. There, in lush oil paintings by 2022 Boston University MFA candidate Eva Lewis, we are treated to unmitigated summer. Whether stretched out on a lawn, perched on the edge of a lake, or chatting under the glow of a porch light, Lewis’ women—her work centers on feminine identifying subjects—all revel in the warmth and ease of a perpetual July dusk.

Skillfully, the paintings invite you to do the same. The point of view is often intimate, the twists and bends of the figures draw your eye in, and the tones—fire-lit or sweetly sepia—are sleepy and nostalgic. One can practically hear the crickets chirp.

Originally from Ohio, Lewis has made waves in recent months in a number of group exhibitions throughout the city; “Disparate” is her first major solo show. She’ll be one to watch out for, so be sure to stop by SoWa in April.  – Jessica Shearer


March 29, 2022
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